
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Love before Marriage - pahami arti cinta sebelum menikah

(Dear my future Husband)

Our love’s like the wind..

Strong and growing...

Our love’s like a river..

Forever flowing...

        Our love’s like the sun..

        That shines so bright...

        Our love’s like the moon..

        Its gentle light...

Our love is rare..

Our love is true...

A bond that has grown between me and you...

And even though i’m unsure about most things in life, i am certain that i love you and will continue to love you forever (to my future husband)...
Love is when you value your lover’s happiness more than yours and make their happiness your first priority. Not breathlessness, it is not eternal excitement, it is not the promise of eternal passion, it is not desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. That is just being “IN LOVE’, which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away...

Someone who truly loves you, sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you can be to handle, but still wants you and never giving up on you, knowing your flaws and accepting who you are.

When everyone had the dream to love and be loved for real. When love did not mean money, the way you look or how much do you have. When we believed in long relationship going on together, when we decided listening to our feelings and not from the comfort zone. When love still has sense. So sad right now, only few people know what true love is. Many good things are lost in the past. You can tell in your prayer .Which shows a lot about how we live now and how it was back then. This kind of love still exist, but takes a lot work, a lot of sacrifice and dedication. Not everyone is ready to offer that. Only the blessed ones.

Marriage is an intimate and complementing union between a man and a woman in which the two become one physically, in the whole of life, until death. The purpose of marriage is to reflect the relationship of the Godhead and to serve him. Although the fall has marred the divine purpose and function of marriage, this definition reflects the God-ordained ideal for marriage from the beginning.
There are three keys to marriage :

1.       The first is communication,

2.       The second is respect,

3.       The third is trust.
Male and female in the marriage relationship are of the same nature and essence, equal as persons (Gal 3:28), intimate in relationship, common in purpose, but distinct personalities with different roles. It is not humankind’s prerogative to separate what God has chosen to put together (Mat 19:6)

The husband leads and the wife submits to his leadership (Eph 5:31). Marriage appears designed to reflect the same relational unity-in-plurality as the Godhead. Marriage, the most intimate human relationship, was appropriately chosen to reflect this relational aspect of the divine image. Each sex alone incompletely exhibits this part of the divine image. This open intimate relational aspect of God's image, reflected in marriage, was marred by the fall (Gen 3:7-10), causing each mate to hide (cover oneself) from each other and from God.

Marriage is the most basic and significant social relationship to humankind. This relationship must be nurtured and maintained for the welfare of all. Without marriage, society will fail. 

In New Testament

(2 Cor 11:2 ; Eph 5:21-33) Marriage imagery describes the relationship between Christ and his church . The church, Christ's bride, is sacrificially loved by Christ, just as a husband should love his wife. The husband's responsibility is leadership, even as Christ is the head of the church, his body. The wife responds submissively to her husband's sacrificial love like the church submits to Christ's.

The husband's love assists her in becoming holy and blameless before God, even as Christ presents the church without blemish to the Father. Christ's relationship with the church becomes the functional model for a marriage relationship.

As creator of the marriage relationship, God becomes the essential supporting party to a marriage, giving wisdom, discretion, understanding, and love to protect the union and to enable it to honor God. A marriage can glorify God and function properly only when both partners are believers in the Messiah, Jesus.
Then the Holy Spirit guides and enables them in their roles and functions. Continued reliance upon God is imperative for believing spouses. For marriage to function now according to God's ideal, believers in Christ need to marry only believers. Whenever God directly brought a man and woman together in marriage, both were believers.

God Bless

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